SUR-Miner Research Project

SURMiner project 

SRMiner project aims to help developers to summarize product evaluation from millions of user reviews. The key idea of SRMiner is to identify software features and their associated sentiments from reviews automatically.
SRMiner mines data in four phases, Review Classification, Feature-Opinion Mining, Clustering and Summarization, and produces two interactive diagrams, Feature Heat Map and Feature Trend Map.

Here are demo diagrams for selected projects:
  1. Swiftkey
  2. Camera360
  3. Templerun2
  4. WeChat
  5. KakaoTalk
  6. GooglePlayBooks
  7. SpotifyMusic
  8. YahooWeather
  9. GoogleMap
  10. GoogleCalendar
  11. OfficeMobile
  12. ESPN
  13. TextPlus
  14. Duolingo
  15. Chasemobile
  16. Medscape

You can download our dataset here

If you want us to generate diagrams for your project, please contact to us by email.